My 20m SoftRock Lite II SDR is hooked to CW Skimmer on the Reverse Beacon Network since the beginning of the WAE CW contest today. Quite amazing to see the waterfall with so many CW stations.
Author Archives: Lucky
Confirmed Senegal today!
It was good to receive a QSL from 6W2SC today. Peter/HA3AUI was the op and this is an all-time new one for me. Mxed tally is at 190 and RTTY at 125 now.
The DLDC Contest
I spent a few hours contesting in each of the three stints of the contest. Conditions were poor through Saturday but managed to log a few stations on 10m. It is nice to note that this is the successor of the ANARTS contest. I was part of the world record setting multi-op team from VU2JX (JS/VU2JX, Nat/VU2NTA and I) on ANARTS in 1988!
The BARTG Sprint 75 took place on Saturday between 2000 UTC and 2359 UTC. It was a pity I could not participate as the bands were dead during that period out here (1.30 AM to 5.30 AM local time). I hope the BARTG Sprint 75 shifts to a more convenient time next year.